The New Career Readiness

Student Investment and Why It Works

We know educators, if given a choice, would offer students trusted, high-quality, research-based assessments instead of free online ones of questionable validity and lack of access to data. Now you have a way to do that that makes it easier for students to access Career Key while you get the data they need to support them.


  • Improved student outcomes: Higher grades, persistence in education program, higher job satisfaction and higher salaries

  • Cost-effective: institution provides valuable resources with limited staff and budgets; learners save money with an educational discount

  • Student engagement: Paying for a career assessment can increase students' perceived value and commitment to the process, potentially leading to higher engagement with the assessment and greater utilization of the results.

  • Data-driven decision-making: Career services, advisors and faculty get more reliable and actionable data about learners’ career decision needs. This can help students make informed career decisions and enable career services to tailor their support and guidance based on the insights gained from the assessments.

How it works

Just as higher education budgets are changing, the model for how learners invest in their professional development changes.  Career Key offers higher education the only validated career decision tools where,

  • Without leaving your LMS or website, learners pay once for access to Career Key throughout their enrollment,

  • Faculty and advisors get the data they need to identify at-risk learners and provide tailored support,

  • You can scale access to scientifically validated, self-guided assessments for hundreds to thousands of students with limited staff