Support employees, jobseekers and job-changers to find career well-being

With our new Transitions product, human resource professionals, career counselors, job service agencies, and nonprofit organizations alike can use Career Key and our collection of career advice resources to help individuals find job satisfaction and make confident decisions. Our customization options curate open positions and educational options. And our administrative tools measure ROI and assess individual readiness to change.

We can provide the data and tracking necessary to document the effects of your investment.

Resources for businesses, government and non-profit organizations

Check out the many expert and timely resources available here. They’ll help your team, searchers and employees alike learn more about the importance of career well-being, the self-knowledge that comes from understanding personality types and the strategies for exploring and choosing career options. You’ll also find in-depth information about Holland’s Theory of Career Choice and additional resources to help your employees build knowledge and understanding about identifying skills and making confident career decisions. 

Employers - Retain Your Talent

Help your employees discover internal positions and needed trainings

Your people are one of your biggest investments. Career Key Transitions can be customized to show only your open positions. And we can create curated training and educational options to help you scale your talent. Now you can guide them to open positions inside your organization increasing retention and reducing staffing costs. 

Contact us to learn more!

Placement Professionals – support your job searchers and other individuals in transition identify new jobs and careers

Our quick, easy, online Career Key Transitions assessment will give you and your job searcher the information needed to explore and chose new paths for moving forward. Our resources pages include articles and guidance for career change, military to civilian transitions, networking, and self-employment. 

Optimize your scarce resources with the new online, self-guided Career Decision Profile (CDP). It provides rapid insights into client career decision needs. Measuring three dimensions of career decision status, this five-minute, reliable and valid assessment identifies individual needs and barriers, estimates service levels, and recommends practical action steps to both student and advisor.

Assess Readiness to Move Forward

Career Decision Profile™: a new online assessment from Career Key

This short career decision readiness assessment will help your employees or clients make progress in decision making. Human resources, placement and other professionals gain valuable insights to target and optimize their support services.

ROI - Align and track the impacts to your organization with our customization options and administrative tools

Our team of specialists will work with your internal teams to customize Career Key job profiles and other data to align with your specific organizational, recruiting and outreach needs. We can also help you build a Career Key administrative portal so you can track individual progress.

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Learn more about Career Key.

Career Key Platform

Career Key for Enterprise

Career Key Transitions

Career Key Central Overview