Conventional Personality

Conventional Personality Type

Likes to work with numbers, records, or machines in a set, orderly way; generally avoids ambiguous, unstructured activities

Is good at working with written records and numbers in a systematic, orderly way;

Values success in business; and

Sees self as orderly, and good at following a set plan.

Conventional Type: Work Environment

Persons having a Conventional personality type "dominate" this environment. There are more of them than there are people of other personality types. For example, in an office of a bank or real estate company there will be more persons having a "Conventional" personality than there will be people who have a Artistic type.

"Conventional" people create a "Conventional" environment. For example, they particularly value people who are orderly, and good at following a set plan -- good at working with written records and numbers in a systematic, orderly way.

Examples of occupations that have a Conventional environment are:

Bank Teller
Court Clerk

Mail Carrier
Post Office Clerk

Title Examiner

The two work environments that are closest to the Conventional type are Realistic and Enterprising. The farthest away is the Artistic type.