How to choose a
career path

How to Choose a Career Path

Choosing a career path is really a series of smaller decisions that add up to a big impact on your well-being and happiness. You might think of them as your best bets along the way, based on information you have at the time, and keeping in mind what you can - and cannot - control.

We show you how to choose a career path using these three basic principles of good decision making:

1. Know yourself–your strengths, values, personality, and skills

Self-reflection and learning activities like these will help you decide which career path best fits you.

2. Know your options and learn about each one

3. Make a good decision

How to choose a career with the best bets now

Career Key can help you make the best educated bets (decisions) you can, with the information available and degree of control you have right now. Sometimes the best decision means putting off a decision until later. But putting all decisions off until “the sky clears” is not realistic or advisable - who knows when that will happen?

You can always take action - it just might be a short-term decision instead of a long-term commitment. Whatever your goals are right now, we have some time-tested advice to help. Please consider us as part of your support system - we know this is a difficult time for everyone.For example, no one could have forecast the COVID 19 pandemic or economic recession. And no one knows when (and how) we will return to a pre-pandemic “normal.” There is no information you should have known or actions you should have taken that would have made any difference.

While this lack of control over our current health and economic conditions is admittedly scary, it reminds us that life contains many things outside our control. Making significant life decisions, such as choosing a career, an education program, or changing careers always involves a degree of risk because we cannot control all the inputs. Our career advice Resources help you minimize those risks as much as possible.