Career Advice | Career Key

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ChatGPT as a Moon Landing - Prepare for Accelerating Change

Like many, I was skeptical when I first heard about the OpenAI chatbot ChatGPT a couple of weeks after its release.  Then I spent the New Year’s holiday break playing with it and listening to podcasts about it. I also watched my software engineer husband staying up until 3 am many nights in a row seeing if it would help him enhance his AI chess engine. I’ve decided that ChatGPT’s recent public release is like the moon landing. This is not a hyped-up tech rabbit hole. It’s new evidence of exponential change underway.

See for yourself

Changes in the world of work are accelerating. Until now, the progress of ChatGPT and its competitors has had limited visibility to technical people. You needed to know how to code.  But now that white collar knowledge workers have seen how it works, the promise of AI taking jobs seems a lot closer to home. If you haven’t tried it yourself, I encourage you to do so – begin making up your own mind about what it means. The reality is that AI is here to stay and the best defense is a good offense.

Career Key prepares learners to thrive in accelerating change

Over the next year, I will explore artificial intelligence and its impact on career planning and decision making.  I will share ways we can better prepare learners to thrive in this accelerating pace of change. Career Key will also publish more research and insights related to the career decision journey.

New ways to access Career Key content

To support this focus, one major change Career Key will make later this year is to create a private resource space for educators, career advisors and career development professionals. Because generative AI chatbots scrape Internet content without attribution or intellectual property protection, we need to change how we publish and make accessible new, original work and insights. This is an opportunity to better serve you by making more trustworthy, tailored content available based on the types of learners you serve.

We’ve spent 25 years on the Internet with search engines – it’s now time to embrace change ourselves and evolve how we achieve our vision, career well-being for all.

Welcome to an exciting new year in career development! If you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to our monthly eNewsletter to hear about our updates.

Blog Photo caption: Created with OpenAI Dall-E 2, “dutch master style painting of cat astronauts having a party during the US moon landing”