Social Personality

Social Personality Type

Likes to do things to help people - like teaching, counseling, nursing, or giving information; generally avoids using machines, tools, or animals to achieve a goal;

Has good skills at teaching, counseling, nursing, or giving information;

Values helping people and solving social problems; and

Sees self as helpful, friendly, and trustworthy.

Social Type: Work Environment

Persons having a Social personality type "dominate" this environment. There are more of them than there are people of other personality types. For example, in a hospital, school, or counseling service there will be more persons having a "Social" personality than there will be people who have a Realistic type.

"Social" people create an "Social" environment. For example, they particularly value people who are helpful, friendly, and trustworthy -- who are good at good at teaching, counseling, nursing, giving information, and solving social problems.

Examples of occupations that have a Social environment are:

Athletic Trainer
Dental Hygienist

Parole Officer

Physical Therapist
Social Worker

The two work environments that are closest to the Social type are Artistic and Enterprising. The farthest away is the Realistic type.